Liken Software Inc.
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Teacher Student Coaching App
Accountability for planning – goal setting for students – putting together a development plan for the student to meet their “Next Steps” goal
Align with Ministry / Board mandates – ability to link “creating pathways” initiative for grades K-6
Document and store student behavior and competency progression
Ability to capture and store student photos and videos of work
Product Features
Ability to take and store photos and videos of students work – take video of student reading activity
Store for access by school
Ability to send / share with parents
Parent application
Can view their child’s development plan and coaching
Ability to receive photos / videos of their students reading / writing activities, etc.
Can provide feedback to teachers
Not free-form text! – who know what they will write…
Drop down sections / categories for pre-defined responses
Available on the any tablet and PC desktop
Report by student
Summary of “happy face” score by subject
Detail by happy face selection
Where is the student having challenges?
Where are they good?
How are they progressing?
Report by class
# of students by “happy face” score by subject
Detail by happy face selection
Students having challenges by subject?
Students doing well by subject?